About This Episode

Suzie has spent most of her life working at the intersection of travel and customer service. 

She traveled the world as a flight attendant for many years, before deciding to become a full-time Airbnb host.

But there's so much more to her story...

About the Host

Zach Busekrus

Co-Founder of Sponstayneous

Zach is the Co-Founder of Sponstayneous, a weekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb. When COVID hit, he and his wife Gabby broke out of the lease on their 750-square foot apartment in Washington, DC to beta test the digital nomad lifestyle. Zach and Gabby have spent the past year living full-time on Airbnb — they've stayed in 50+ homes to date! 

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